2023年12月14日 星期四



Taiwan Kaohsiung 
Illustration, Design, Tattoo



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    Mangasick (台北Taipei)
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▍經歷  Resume

出版 Publications

展覽 Exhibition

2024年06月 《 花に囁く物語 Ep.4 》聯展 / gallery hydrangea / 日本
2024年04月 《Silent Science》聯展 / gallery hydrangea / 日本
2024年02月 《TSUKIMI -月-》聯展 / ART COCKTAIL / 日本
202303月《DARK闇》 個展 / 左咖啡/ 台湾
202208月《聊斎志異》 個展 / gallery hydrangea / 日本
202202月《來自星界的戰慄~克蘇魯神話創作展~》聯展 / Wrong Gallery Taipei 靠邊走藝術空間 / 台湾

合作 Cooperation

2023年12月 台灣酒商「激酒製酒計畫 x 酣眠有限公司」酒標繪製合作
2023年05月 日本樂團「Petit Brabancon」合作繪製「Automata」專輯主視覺
2022年06月 台灣電影以及原著小說「迴陰」繪製地獄場景設計
2020年11月 「dpi設計插畫」雜誌專訪
2012年03月 「皮繩愉虐邦」網站Banner繪製

2023年11月26日 星期日

個人誌 [聊齋誌異]

  | 刊名 | 


 | 作者 | 

 | 規格 | 
A5 / 32頁 

 | 裝訂 |
騎馬釘 / 穿繩

 | 價格 |
 NT 250

2023年8月5日 星期六

個人誌 [DARK闇]


 | 刊名 | 

 | 作者 | 

 | 規格 | 
B5 / 58 / 黑白

 | 裝訂 |

 | 價格 |
 NT 250

2023年7月3日 星期一



A Taoist ritual. It allows the human soul to leave the body temporarily in order to go out to the underworld to see it. The participant must have a red cloth on his eyes, barefoot to step on the gold paper and follow the direction of Taoist during the ritual in order to view the underworld. There are two purposes for the participant: one is to meet with deceased relatives, the other is to view the condition of their own Yuanshen Palace. Yuanshen Palace is the residence of a person’s soul once deceased. The condition of the palace reflects the overall fortune of the person, its interconnected. For example, the kitchen represents wealth ,and the bedroom represents love and marriage,therefore you can improve your own fortune in this world by adjusting the condition of your Yuanshen Palace.



Ancient people watched stars for directions and divination purposes. The folks began to the worship the stars. After the establishment of Taoism, it absorbed folk beliefs. Among them, Nandou Xingjun and Beidou Xingjun are particularly prominent. Nandou Xingjun and Beidou Xingjun are the gods who accompany the Jade Emperor in Taoism. Nandou Xingjun is in charge of a person's life spam, Beidou Xingjun is in charge of death. The whole life of a person is dictated by Nandou and Beidou. There is a saying that "Nandou is to give birth, Beidou is to spread death". To pray for longevity is to worship these two gods.





[Lotus Incarnation ]
I once saw this Taoist soul releasing ceremony on “A Journey with Invisible Friends”, a documentary movie here in Taiwan.

In the traditional idea of filial piety, our bodies- to every hair and bit of skins- are received by us from our parents, and we must not presume to injure or harm them. This is the beginning of filial piety. This means that even when someone has passed away, the body needs to be kept intact. When a lost soul or damned spirit, or the dead without the body intact; the lotus incarnation ceremony is preformed to help release it from purgatory. The ceremony uses lotus to substitute either the missing body or the missing body parts.

It’s origin came from Chinese mythology. When Nezha had beaten the third prince of the sea and the sea dragon king came for revenge; he was afraid to get his parents involved, so he cut his bones and trimmed his meat off to give them back to his parents and committed suicide. Later his master the lord Tai Yi of Salvation used lotus to create a body for Nezha’s incarnation and resurrected him.

ドキュメンタリー《看不見的台灣》(A Journey with Invisible Friends)でこの道教の成仏儀式が紹介されました。






[Calling back the spirits ]
Call back the spirits of the living ceremony is a very common ceremony of Taoism religious practice. Taoism believes that human is made up of body; and with 3 immortal souls and 7 mortal forms.

Taoists believe the immortal souls and mortal forms can be frightened and leave our body, if something
shocking happens. In turns of causing instability within the state of mind. When that happens, it calls for the ceremony to be preformed.

There is no certain way to preform the ceremony, most common one is while chanting the incantation, the Taoist priest would also be waving the spirit paper or the lit incense on the surface of the body or the person whom needed the ceremony preformed. Normally a crying baby is most usually seen as getting the ceremony preformed .





[Releasing water lanterns ceremony]
Releasing water lanterns ceremony is part of the Chungyuan Pu Tu ceremonies( Hungry Ghost Festival ). It is used to give notice to the straight ghosts and lonely spirits whom wander in the water to come and receive the offerings of the Chungyuan Pu Tu ceremonies. The process of the releasing water lanterns ceremony varies depending on the area. Water lantern is made with paper to resemble a little house. Traditionally believe that materials would be transformed to a different world through burning. Before burning the water lantern, spirit money would be placed inside of the lantern, in the center of the house, along with candles and scriptures. Once the water lantern is lit, it will then being released in the water. It will gradually float down steam or into the ocean while it’s burning, then slowly sank into the water. It signifies the gifting of the houses to those lonely spirits and straight ghosts whom wander in the water to have a place to rest, and also means to shine a light on their way to the underworld.








[The Five Sacred Instruments]

There are two types of shaman in Taoist practice: “Wen- Ji and Wu- Ji”. Both types lend their body to the gods as the vessel for the spirits to be presented in the physical world; the one main difference is Wu-Ji would use instruments once the body taken over by the gods but Wen- Ji just uses chanting.
Handling of the five sacred instruments is a Wu- Ji specialty once it’s been possessed by the gods.

The Five Sacred Instruments include a seven-star sword, a nail stick (brass rod and wolf tooth stick), a moon ax (moon eyebrow ax, double ax), a nail-studded ball and a Sawfish Sword.
The handling of the five sacred instruments is when the Wu- Ji shaman uses the instruments to self-mutilate him or herself to show that, by being possessed by the gods, the power of the gods would protect the shaman from injuries and pain. This is to signified the power of the gods, and to suppress evil spirits. Usually the shamans self-mutilation is done on either the back or the head.

The five sacred instruments also signifies the five military camps of the gods from five different directions: east, west, south, north, and center. Therefore the handling of five sacred instruments also means the command of the five military camps.

The gods whom are most commonly seen at the handling of the five sacred instruments are Nuochia and/ or Xuan Tian, both are male military general type gods.







[kāi guāng diǎn yǎn]
Kai Guang Dian Yan, the consecration ceremony is one of the many Taoist ceremonies. Taoists believe before the consecration ceremony, the statue or picture of the deity would just be the depiction without the essence of the spirit. To invite the spirit of the deity to reside in either the statue or the picture, the consecration ceremony is required. 

The consecration ceremony varies depending on the location and the preforming Taoist. Generally speaking, the process of the consecration ceremony would need a virtuous and reputable Taoist to pick the specific date to present the ceremony. During the ceremony, the Taoist would recite special scripture while hold a sacred mirror. Then sun light would be reflected on the sculpture or image with the depiction of the deity. After process, if its a sculpture, the back it would have a hole opened up and inserted with five to seven different sacred objects such as: gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, agate, jade, pearl, bee, centipede and/ or five colored tread. In some instances, depending on the locale where the ceremony is being preformed, written spells or the origin of the said deity written on a piece of red paper would also be inserted into the sculpture. Lastly, the Taoist would then use a hair brush dipped in the blood from a white rooster’s crown mixed with blood from the tongue of a black duck, to annotate the five senses and the body of the sculpture. To “turn on” the ears, nose, eyes body and the thought of the deity now attached to the sculpture. This is called “Liu Tong”, to turn on all six senses. 
White rooster signifies life and male vitality. While the pronunciation of duck in mandarin is similar to pressing down so it’s used to press down evil spirits. 

The rooster and duck used in the ceremony can not be killed and would be released alive. Nowadays in modern society, when this ceremony is being preformed, cinnabar is used to substitute live animal blood.







[Drinking Amulet Water]
In Taoist practice, amulet is something a Taoist used its spiritual power combined with symbolic writing to create, and written on a piece of paper to be used to give out order. It’s usage could range from to order spirits or deities to do your biding, to pray for good luck, or to fend off bad omens .
Drinking amulet water is when you burn the amulet, mix the ashes of the amulet with water, and then drink it. By drinking it the drinker would hope for its ability to cure illness and fend off bad omens.




[To Erect Bamboo Lanterns]
To erect bamboo lanterns is to send out an invitation to the lost spirits and ghosts wandering on land, it’s most commonly seen at the Pudu Ceremony. It’s to call those spirits and ghosts to come enjoy the offerings prepared by the people. 

The practice of erecting the bamboo lanterns is to hang some lanterns on the top of the bamboo stick and then erect it up high. The light radiating from the lanterns would lit up the road in the dead of the night for those wandering ghosts and spirits. There is a saying that the higher the lanterns hung on the bamboo stick the more the wandering spirits and ghosts it can call.





Xuántiān Shàngdì

     Xuántiān Shàngdì is one of the most commonly seen Taoist deities in Taiwan. Since the usurping Yongle Emperor of the Ming dynasty claimed to receive the divine assistance of Xuanwu during his successful Jingnan Campaign against his nephew, he had a number of Taoist monasteries constructed in the Wudang Mountains of Hubei, where Xuanwu allegedly attained immortality.

He is also treated as the metaphor of the North Star as the deity of natural worshipping. Great Deity of the Northern Peak, one of the cosmological "Five Forms of the Highest Deity"

     As one of the five forms of cosmological representations, north significance water, therefore it makes Xuántiān Shàngdì capable of being in charge of sea affairs. Also, the representations of the north constellation happen to be the black tortoise or black turtle. As one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. It is usually depicted as a turtle entwined together with a snake, and these animals happen to be the ones Xuántiān Shàngdì is stepping on. 

     In folklore tail, Xuántiān Shàngdì was originally a butcher and the goddess Guanyin showed him his sins. To redeem his sins, he dug out his own stomach and intestines and washed them in  the river. Because of that, he then became immortal ascended to heaven with the title of Xuántiān Shàngdì.
After he became an immortal, his stomach and intestines absorbed the essence of the earth. His viscera transformed into a demonic turtle and a demonic snake, who started to hurt people. No one could subdue the demonic animals. Eventually, Xuanwu returned to earth and he borrowed the sword from Lü Dongbin to subdue them. After defeating them, he later used them as his subordinates. Due to this folklore tail, Xuántiān Shàngdì is also treated as a patron god of slaughter industry. 

Another speculation about this folklore tail is that because Xuántiān Shàngdì is the guardian god of Ming dynasty, and Ching dynasty wanted to weaken the gasp of the Xuántiān Shàngdì belief so had the story of the butcher transform made up.





[Tiānpéng Yuánshuài]
     Tiānpéng Yuánshuài was originally a powerful dharmapala in the Taoist religion. Because of the depiction in the well known novel “Journey to the West” published in the 16th century during the Ming dynasty, folks started making the connection of him with the pig image. 

     In “Journey to the West”, Tiānpéng Yuánshuài is also called Zhu Bajie, and has the  propensity for lusting after pretty women. Because of that tendency, he then became the subject of worshipping for sex industry in the modern days. He is also called Zhū gē yé.

     His deity statue is often kept in a dark room for worshipping. When women from sex industry dressed revealing to go worship him, he would be entertained and happy. The more these women reveal, the happier he gets, and the happier he gets, the more efficacious he become. When leaving offerings on his desk, it’s encouraged to not only leave normal offerings but also adult magazines. Also, be aware that no pork is allowed because of  his namesakes.


















buăk-bŭi, "cast moon blocks", also called as "bwa bwei", it is a traditional Taoist divination method. The divination seeker throws or drops two little wooden pieces on the floor and gets the divine answer by the positions of the pieces whether the future course being contemplated is recommended or not. Besides seeking divination straight from the deity, the act of bwa bwei would also be preformed when requesting a fortune stick.

The blocks come as a pair of two, each has two side. The flat side the front and the curved side is the back. When putting two blocks together to form a pair, the pair resemble the shape of the new moon. 
Usually, the divination seeker would get one out of these three answers: front/ front, front/ back, back/ back. Front/ front is the laughing draw, it means the divination is ambiguous in nature and the question asked is incorrect or should be worded differently, therefore no answer is given. Front/ back is the holy draw, it means the divination is positive and confirmed. The last is cover draw, which is the back/back, it means the whatever the seeker is seeking has been denied or would not work. 
In Taoist temples, the “bwei” is usually seen placed on the altar. Before the bwa bwei can be performed, the seeker has to take the pair of bwei to the top of the incense burner, and draw circle clockwise on top of the incense burner 3 time with the bwei. Once it’s done, the seeker would then kneel down in front of the altar, facing the deity. The seeker would need to report the basic personal information to the deity in silent, then ask the question. After asking the question, the seeker would then throw the bwei on the floor to get the answer from the deity. However the bwei laying on the floor would be the answer to the question. 

If the person is only looking to draw the fortune telling sticks, the same process of bwa bwei would still need to be followed to get authorized by the deity before he or she begin to draw the sticks. Once the person drew the stick from the holder, whatever written on the stick would need to be confirmed by the deity throw bwa bwei. If it’s not confirmed by it, the person would need to keeping going through the same process until the deity approves.

[擲筊:ボエィ投げ占い(ボア ボエィ)]

擲筊は、道教で幽霊や神様に神託を得るための手段です。ボエィ(筊)は大体木製で、表と裏の面があります。平らな面が表で、丸く膨らんだ面は裏です。ボエィ(筊)は2個がセットで、合わせると三日月の形になります。 神託を得る時にボエィ投げする以外に、おみくじを引く時もボエィ投げをします。


道教のお寺では、ボエィは お供えの机の上に置きます。ボエィを投げる前に、香炉の上で3回時計回りにまわし、神様の前に持って行って跪きながら、神様へ名乗ってから質問します。その後ボエィを投げた結果で神託を得られます。










